Living #TBL Playbook

Bubbles, friendship, and purposeful joy-moding is what brought us together. We christened those times our “bubbly joy.” And theBUBBLY.Life is a curated and elevated extension of that initial pop of all things bubbly, honoring our intention to live lives filled with holistic joy.

As a law school drop out and an MD gone rogue, we’ve been through a lot of twists and turns on our way to living an ever-evolving, bubbly life. Join us as we explore what Living #TBL means as we share our collective experiences, aspirations, and life hacks in our Living #TBL Playbook.

Introducing… theBUBBLY.Life
General Information, #LivingTBL Michelle Shuffett General Information, #LivingTBL Michelle Shuffett

Introducing… theBUBBLY.Life

theBUBBLY.Life is a name that came to us during a champagne-fueled planning day for our upcoming book, a modern how-to guide for creating the ultimate girls getaway, which we affectionately refer to as Champagne Campaign.

What was born that day is a modern, chic lifestyle brand that fuses the aspirational and attainable. Our focus is all about living a joyful, rich, meaningful existence through friendships, food, wine, travel, wellness, and curating beauty in our surroundings.

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